Responsibilities of Congress
- Congress delegates represent the co-op membership. They provide a link between the co-op members and the board of directors in order to maintain effective control of the Co-op.
- Delegates encourage members of their building to attend the board meetings via conference phone in their community rooms.
- Delegates who attend board meetings report on the highlights of board business and answer questions at the general meetings.
- At congress meetings, delegates discuss issues that involve the entire co-op such as changes to the CSI Support bylaws and other issues of importance to the co-op (strategies for nominating candidates for the board; recommendations for improving the annual meeting; how to increase the number of members who vote for the board of directors). They make recommendations on some of these issues to the board.
- Delegates report on congress activities at building meetings.
- Congress delegates seek out candidates for the board among building membership—people who are active in the building; work on committees and take offices.
- Congress delegates elect nominees for the board of directors at their summer meeting.
- Delegates help building members to become familiar with board candidates in such ways as planning rallies or inviting candidates to speak to their membership.
- Delegates are in charge of planning and promoting the annual meeting and selling tickets.
- Delegates publish an annual newsletter called the Co-op Connector. Each building needs a reporter for the Connector and should be ready to submit an article for their building when called upon in the fall by the editors. This is the only publication that is 100% designed, written and edited by members only.
- Congress delegates are also responsible for some corporate task forces and special projects.
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